


Resurrection - a dark and twisted world where evil souls are reborn as monsters and everything is in reverse: time runs backwards, progress is banned, and evil is good.

In volume 3 we learn the dark truth behind Heinrich and Rebecca's relationship on Earth. Turns out our Heinrich wasn't such a good guy after all. Huh!

On Resurrection, Requiem's dreams are haunted by Lamias, the victims of his cruelties on Earth.

Suspicion grows against him as he discovers dangerous information about his past that he must keep hidden at all cost - or risk losing his death!

Rebecca has a new secret weapon in her war against the Vampires: the religious maniac, Torquemada. A big, hairy, fanged and clawed, blood-lusting Torquemada...

Aboard the S.S. Satanic, Dracula proves himself to be the biggest, arse-kicking mofo of them all.

Enter the world of Resurrection and you'll never be quite the same again...

This long-running, award-winning series written by Pat Mills & drawn by Olivier Ledroit was originally created in France by Editions Nickel in 2000. Now reprinted by Editions Glenat, who will complete the existing 11 volume series with two final volumes. Each new edition boasts a stunning new wraparound cover by artist Oliver Ledroit (included in the art gallery).

Suggested for mature readers!

Praise for Requiem

The series is violent, satirical, imaginative, and—above all else—gorgeous. Like, eyes popping out of your head, “oh man look at this page!” gorgeous.

Mike Isenberg, Comixologist

Unashamedly adult, bloody yet gorgeous, seductive and revolting, a glorious clash of emotional responses.

Michael Kelly, Goodreads

Requiem is packed cover-to-cover by action, great dialogue and a magnificent art.

Marco Piva, Big Glasgow Comic Page

Comic details

  • 48 pages full colour art plus 7 page art gallery
  • Genre: Adult horror/Vampire/Fantasy/Black comedy/Action Adventure
  • Available as PDF - 255.8MB or CBZ - 230.7MB
  • Translation: Jacques Collin
  • Letterer: Anne Drano
  • Digital editor: Lisa Mills

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